Effective Ways to Lower the Cost of Direct Mail Printing

Even when digital marketing continues to thrive during the times when the entire world is affected by a virus and it still commands a large part of corporate America’s marketing budgets, there is still potential with direct mail marketing. As a matter of fact, it is proving its power by showing record response rates, particularly among the millennials (about 13%). To help keep the engine of direct mail postcard printing without blowing the financial budget of the company, here are some effective ways to help you out. Let’s get into it!

Rather than designing fresh direct mail pieces from scratch with each and every campaign, consider creating a few attractive templates that you can use more than once. By setting up a few mailers or postcards with regular parameters for headlines, art and offer areas, you can conveniently update/refresh those items without spending too much time and money on the design.

Dirty data can significantly waste your money and that can be easily avoided. Mailing to the records that are invalid, old or incomplete tells that you are paying for a mail piece which is never going to reach its intended recipient. At the same time, you should also perform some basic list hygiene before each mailing. Some of these include NCOA (national change of address updates), CASS address validation and duplicate removal.

Printing larger volumes can drop your CPC (cost-per-piece) significantly. That is why instead of printing short runs for specific campaign program, consider printing higher volumes and keeping them in storages for later mailings.


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